I remember when my mom shared to me some true and WONDERful stories which have occured when I was still very young. Like, when I was just almost 1 year old, she left me at a baby crib with my toys and milk, she did some household chores, then went back and checked for me. In her surprise, she saw me under my baby crib, playing happily- I was not crying, no bruises, no scratches ( the fact that it was just I and her in the house that time). Also, she said that I have already loved singing the "Our Father" song at the young age of 3 or 4, esp the line "Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven....", and that I have loved praying too. Those stories really sounded so cool to me! Indeed, I've a Father in Heaven whom from my mother's womb has chosen me to become His child! And yeah, through my mom's stories, I've come to know that since I was very young, signs and wonders were already following me. I've a good Father, and HE is good!
Anyway, I love my family, but as a student I would honestly say that I grew up sorrounded with a very stressful and manipulating family environment with really very high expectations to each of it's members- to become consistent achievers and highly- respected in the respective professions assigned by the elders. My grandma's side are very well in finances and are well- educated, same as with my grandpa's side- who are mostly professors, writers, coaches, doctors, nurses, dentists, lawyers, professional musicians, business-owners, land- owners etc. Sad to mention, behind that sounding professional family history, 1 or 2 from our relatives went to being mentally- impaired because of too much studying, and some other horrible stories through other relatives. Way back then, no one was christian in the family.
Until, my aunt (my dad's younger sister) got married to a christian man.. she started bringing us to their church where I first heard of JESUS and salvation, although no total understanding yet. I have loved Sunday schooling and memory verses! On the other hand, my late dad, who died in the year 2007 from a heart disease, was not yet a christian that time and he never wanted to be (but, he still had his salvation even before he died, glory!). He was a musician and a very smart man- like a genius. He loved reading books. He even learned and studied the Koran (muslim's), did fortune- telling, practiced black magic and some chants, levitating inspired NOT by the Holy Spirit. My mom said, he even spoke of chants over me and my 2 younger brothers when we were very young, as if opening a so-called 3rd eye. From there on, terrible things started to happen in our home. Our eyes were opened to and in the realm of darkness. I had a season when I was really tormented by these spirits. I was so scared, I was mentally affected, depressed, not sleeping nor resting well.. as if I didn't know anyone around me, I rarely talk, even to my mom and dad. God's merciful! I got well, although I was living while still carrying those fears and traumas.
I was 19 in the year 2009 when I received JESUS as my LORD and Savior in an evangelical church- with the knowledge of salvation (I was the first one in my immediate family who got saved). Right then, I stopped seeing the creepy stuffs. I also became so on- fire that I immediately had this burning passion to serve GOD and His people, and that I was placed in a worship ministry. I started singing, leading God's people into the atmosphere of worship- finally walking on my calling. Suddenly, another destruction came.
I was already in Christ when in the year 2010 I had one of my lowest point in life as a christian. Fear still and was always trying to make me feel weak- trying to kill me and my amazing destiny in Christ. Here is fear again! I was already a christian, I said. And yes that was the time when I was very weak and scared, in need of God, crying out for His help, that He encountered me through an open vision and audible voice for the first time in my life- WHEN NO ONE HAS EVER TAUGHT ME THAT IT IS STILL POSSIBLE TO HAPPEN EVEN THESE DAYS. He woke me up one early morning and gave me the solution for my impossible situation! (will share in details on my next blogs)
Yes, I knew it was Him! As while I was encountering Him, I was feeling such healing flowing through within me. I was having so much peace everytime that presence will come and visit me, esp on my worship time. That presence taught me LOVE and I just wanted to love on people and share His love to them while seeing them get healed too. Then, encounter came to another encounter, and to another encounter with the Lover of my soul. Until, I got divinely connected to God's beautiful people who are experiencing the same move of the Holy Spirit, as I do. Yay GOD! There I was introduced to revival lifestyle (year 2011), while everyday I was wanting for more of GOD.
I then started ministering and serving God's beloved people in a revival setting (with Freshwind Global Minitries) in certain provinces in the Philippines where people were encountering GOD and were getting healed as I lead them into worshiping the King of kings. Suddenly, along my way of serving as His minister in the Kingdom, witnessing signs and wonders, and miracles transforming people's lives, I was again been faced with a very disappointing situation where I given up my faith and has stopped believing GOD. I stopped reading the Word. I stopped worshiping Him. I didn't really know what to do and where to go. I felt like my life was pointless again. And yes, I knew it, my soul was still crying out for GOD! When one night, in my room, He came down and had radically encountered me again by letting me see His face from a vision of an open- Heaven, after literally seeing these spirits of darkness(with their names) in the air while were coming out from my head. I had a personal deliverance in my room, and His LOVE did it! I went back to His arms and went back into service for His Kingdom, all because of that love which has set me freed. Such an amazing grace!
Right then, I started living my life with the reality of these two realms existing- the LIGHT and the darkness. The VICTORIOUS and the defeated. My eyes were opened to see, and my ears to hear that I became brave and bold.
Encountering GOD and the Heavenly realm is now a normal lifestyle to me. Also, I finally believed with all of my heart that I am a child of GOD. That I am set apart and is no longer of the world. I am loved and I am destined to change the world because JESUS said "It is finished.", and that now He is alive and is literally living in me, while is bringing Heaven on earth WITH ME. He has overcome, so do I!
Now, as a minister in the Kingdom of GOD, seeing my fellows, even "a family" being set- freed from the lies of this world while starting stepping into their GOD- given identity and destiny, without any fears nor hesitations, has become my passion. More so, it is my longing to see every tribe and every nation to be delivered from the strongholds, while being restored and released to their land's original and unique calling- as what and who the LORD originally called them to be as part of His Kingdom- His family.
GOD is a God of restoration. He wants to set you free! HE is restoring his children, his family, his nations. He is restoring the earth! Let Heaven come into your life! JESUS loves you so much.
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