Martes, Marso 8, 2016


Without realizing our FOREVER need of God,
There won't be any hunger for Him.
Without a hunger for Him,
There won't be an infilling of the Holy Spirit.
Without the infilling of the Holy Spirit,
There won't be seeing and hearing.
Without seeing and hearing Him,
There won't be intimacy.
Without intimacy,
There won't be a willingness to partner with Him.
Without a partnership with Him,
His glory won't fill the earth...
on earth as it is in Heaven.

Thus, there must be of these!

Huwebes, Abril 16, 2015

Gaydz Advincula is on WeChat

Gaydz is using WeChat as her primary account in reaching the nation of China. 
Account name: lioness_gaydz

Our Crusades Mission with CMC

Last year, in the month of October, I was on a mission trip at certain places here in the Philippines- doing crusades to barangays and sending revival to churches. I went with a Swiss team in the leadership of Revivalist Andrea Di Meglio (former student, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry), a Leader at Vineyard Church in Bern, Switzerland. I was then blessed, funded by Filipino friends, also by Swiss and American friends on this trip.

That time then, Healing Revivalist and Missionary Paul Rapley became our amazing connection that we would get connected to a team of compassionate evangelists from different nations- the Church Multiplication Coalition, in the leadership of Evangelist Jill Boyonas. It was such a privilege, at the same time an amazing experience, witnessing how the LORD is doing evangelism- in His unique and strategic ways, through this team.

This year, in the month of March, I had again the chance to work with the CMC; this time with Paul Rapley's team of American revivalists, in the co- leading of Alexander Logia (Leader, Bethel Church, Redding) and Kristi Graner (Founder, Dare to Believe ministry). On the other hand, I as a revival missionary, was funded and supported by my ministry supporters from here in the Philippines while some are from USA. It is always amazing seeing how the family of GOD from different nations come together for the works of His Kingdom.

The following are some miracle stuffs which I've witnessed as I minister at our crusades last March 2015 (with CMC):

Glory Update, March 15:
At the crusade tonight, people were asked to form lines so that missionaries can pray for them. At a line assigned to me I witnessed a woman got instantly and totally healed from according to her a long- time jaw pain (that really even before I prayed for her I noticed her really having a hard time speaking because of that difficulty in of opening her mouth which was causing her jaw to become very painful), and yes after praying NO MORE PAIN and that SHE CAN SPEAK WELL AND OPEN HER MOUTH FREELY AGAIN!
Also that I had a privilege to pray for the church' senior pastor from that barangay whose almost deaf right ear was opened again. And another woman whose backpain got totally gone and has started moving her shoulders so freely!
ALL OF THESE STUFFS DONE WITH GOD. I love how JESUS made the way in bringing these long lost siblings back to my Father's arms. Holy Spirit did a great job!
Also, I just really loved it seeing people with sad and hopeless faces starting to laugh in so much joy!
They're so much loved! FREEDOM!

Glory Update, March 16:
Got a privilege to pray for a beautiful sister here.. that when I was trying thanking JESUS for her healing it's crazy that nothing is happening. Suddenly, prophetic words came in.. released them to her and there her left back pain was totally gone! GOD IS GOOD! ‪

Glory Update, March 17:
It was a fun night at our tonight's crusade. Prayed for a woman with pains on her head, sinuses, both arms, and both legs. I felt like laughing for her healings when she started laughing with me too. After laughing then while saying "JESUS loves me and He can heal me", then she told me that all the pains were gone! Also, a man with pain on his feet, started to stump his feet on the ground, then started jumping with so much joy and amazement. Another woman got healed instantly from the lower back pain (left and right) and started dancing in so much joy. Then, a young man approached me and asked me to pray that he would be set freed from his smoking and drinking addictions when the LORD put some words in my heart for him, released them to him and saw him responded like he was almost crying. Well, JESUS is consistently cool and awesome!

Glory Update, March 26:
I lost one of my earphones' protector during one of our crusades in Batangas (while people were being prayed for in receiving JESUS as their LORD and Savior) - it was in my left ear then (so the only thing in my mind is that it fell on the covered court's ground). It matters to me so much as it was a headset of a camera which was a gift to me from my Kingdom family in Switzerland (Bern). I decided to not mind it's lost and get myself back and focus on the missions. When I got home from Batangas to here Makati, I suddenly found the earphone protector on my bed with my other things.(What matters to me matters to my Father in Heaven)

*Actually, heard a lot of almost the same stories from the people in our team of things which suddenly were missing during the missions and were found amazingly after prayers. Yay GOD!

Miyerkules, Abril 15, 2015

A Journey of Believing the Person of Faith

The LORD spoke both to Zechariah and Mary through angel Gabriel regarding the supernatural conception of John to Elizabeth (a barren woman) and JESUS to Mary (a virgin). The only difference between them is that Zechariah doubted what the LORD said, while Mary believed it with all of her heart. Anyway, the LORD was still full of grace that when Zechariah finally believed by naming the baby "John"- as it was said and instructed to him, his ability to speak got restored- for sure Zechariah's faith has increased tremendously after that encounter. (from the account of Luke)

Today, I just feel like the LORD wants us be reminded of how He honors our faith in JESUS CHRIST and how it matters in a way- as He is the Author and the Finisher of our faith. Faith is amazing, as He also made the way that we got saved. We just simply believed with all of our hearts, totally surrendered to what He has already done for us, freely given.. Then instantly a new life has began to us right after that believing. Isn't that crazy amazing and is so much love? The world may actually call it magic as we call it Truth!

Well, that was just the beginning. Our journey with FAITH (JESUS) is continuous and goes from glory to glory, as our relationship with Him goes deeper. Remember that faith is also a significant factor that makes you live, also that makes you witness miracles, signs and wonders happen. At the account of John, it was written there that when a crowd asked JESUS how they can also perform GOD's works (miracles, signs and wonders)- because they needed foods, JESUS replied "This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent." (John 6:28- 29)- because JESUS Himself is the bread of life. Through our believing in Him we will surely live while witnessing and performing signs and wonders, and miracles, because He himself is the source of supernatural life.

Today, let's ask the LORD to give us the grace of practicing a lifestyle of believing, whether we see Him or not yet. Faith supernaturally saves you, favors you, and keeps you alive. JESUS actually longs that you will believe in Him not just because finally you would start a relationship with Him but also that you would start discovering how much He believes in you!

JESUS loves you! Simply believe in His person and on what He has already done for you, then receive your miracles today and be transformed in His love forever!

Martes, Abril 14, 2015

Gaydz Advincula is also at Instagram!

Just search for: Gaydz Advincula

Gaydz Advincula is on Facebook

Just type- in: Gaydz Advincula or,

Worship Overflowed at CBCM

It was just last year in the month of November when I got this privilege to minister at a church here in the Philippines- Christ- centered Bible Church Ministries (CBCM).

It was my first time at that church. I remember after my rehearsal with the church's worship team, I sat down almost at one of the corners of the church, praying as the event was about to start. Suddenly, a woman at her late adult age entered the room and stood almost beside me. Then, while standing almost right beside me, she suddenly burst into tears. After receiving some prophetic words for her,  I finally approached her- released the words to her, she confirmed them, then embraced me while was continuously crying. She also shared to me that what made her cry initially was that the moment she entered their church building that day she felt this very thick presence of GOD which has brought her to tears uncontrollably. She also told me that she needs healing from an inborn and recurring seizure.

I started speaking then as the event has began, I felt like at that very moment the church was in need and was hungry for the revelation of God's heart towards them. I shared the love of GOD accompanied with some of my personal encounters with Him in the context of the Scripture. While I was speaking, some of the people has started crying, while some testified that they have started seeing visions from the Holy Spirit (being caught- up in the Spirit). While I was speaking too, I saw a spotlight in the Spirit which has pointed to one of the beautiful young ladies in the crowd. At the top of her head God showed me the word "doubt". I pointed and looked at her and release the love of GOD to her through prophetic words. And when we finally reached the worship time, I was moved to leave the microphone at the stage and went to this beautiful young lady. I embraced her and as her response she embraced me back while saying "I am sorry. I love you", then she started worshiping GOD freely and with all of her heart. That was so beautiful!

The worship became unstoppable. Deliverance came as GOD made his person of GRACE and LOVE so thick in that room. Almost everyone had their gift of vision activated (most of them had it for the first time), both close and open visions. I was not just on my knees but I was on the floor lying down inside that very thick presence of a holy and loving GOD, while hearing the people shouting repeatedly, "I love You, JESUS!". Such a precious moment. It was Heaven on earth for all of us! 

Anyway, after that almost unstoppable worship time, I again approached this woman who asked me healing prayer for her seizure. She was no longer crying that moment but was laughing uncontrollably in the Spirit of GOD. And so, we laughed together for her complete healing! I saw her again when I visited the church after few weeks, and told me that she never had seizure anymore since we met and prayed in holy laughters when I was in their church for the first time.

For almost a week after the event, I was everyday receiving updates from this church on how often they were having visions of God. Also, they became so on- fire in winning souls as they overflow with the love of God through the compassionate heart of JESUS. They're amazing!